Application Design Case Study

TechValidate increased product usage and email click through rate, expanded their product offering, and was acquired

Project Details


TechValidate takes the voice of customers and transforms it into compelling and credible content for use across countless marketing and sales communication channels. With customers like IBM, Box, and Salesforce, they are a leader in enterprise marketing automation software. Within a year of working with Zavzen, TechValidate was acquired by SurveyMonkey and helped SurveyMonkey establish a foothold in the enterprise space.

The Goal

I joined TechValidate as they were evolving from a small, scrappy startup in a small house in Berkeley, CA to become a leader in enterprise marketing automation with a 'real' office. Working with management, customer success, and a small product team, I was responsible for both design and front-end development. By updating existing features and creating new features, we worked towards meeting the following goals:

  • Provide customers with more and better customer content through a complete overhaul of their survey process
  • Using customer feedback to increase customer engagement and satisfaction by creating an entirely new feature around NPS (Net Promoter Score)
  • Communicate this expanded product offering and feature set through a complete marketing site overhaul

The Process


Creating new features and improving existing ones involved working closely with a number of different teams within the organization. Management provided insights into the business, while customer success and sales were invaluable in understanding customers and prospects. The main aim when beginning each project was to understand and connect user goals and business goals.

Even within large enterprise organizations, people are people. We found small moments of surprise and delight in the software they use every day could have a huge positive impact. This insight led me toward creating a fun, engaging experience to help improve survey completion rates.

Once the objectives were understood, I began to dig into how other businesses were solving similar problems. In the CX (customer experience) space, many comparable products provided limited ways analyze data and text. This provided a clear way for TechValidate to differentiate themselves by creating a dynamic data platform with intuitive filters and sophisticated text analysis.

Design Details

Provide customers with more and better customer content through a complete overhaul of TechValidate's survey infrastructure

Surveys are the backbone of how the TechValidate platform collects data. By sending surveys on their customers behalf, TechValidate provides them with the materials to quickly and easily create case studies, testimonials, and white papers. Improving the survey experience provided TechValidate's customers with more data and insights to use in their marketing and sales materials, while providing their customers' customers with a more enjoyable survey experience. The end goal of this redesign was to get more people to complete surveys. This was achieved by cleaning up the existing busy, cluttered interface while providing an enjoyable experience that made people want to keep answering questions.

  • Continuity and consistency through brand-specific color schemes
  • Multiple interactive elements provided constant moments of delight
  • Small and immediate successes encourage users to continue answering questions
  • Animated card-based layout to give clear context
  • Layout adapts to mobile and desktop to provide all users an optimized experience

As a part of the survey refresh, the emails being sent to survey takers were also redesigned. By A/B testing a number of alternative email designs we achieved a higher click through rate with 95% confidence interval. More people seeing surveys + more people completing surveys = more data for case studies, testimonials, and other marketing content.

Increase customer engagement and satisfaction through a CX (customer experience) dashboard based around NPS (Net Promoter Score)

Since their creation, TechValidate was focused only on automating the B2B content creation process. Through communicating daily with customers and prospects, we realized the existing survey platform could be used by product and support teams to provide deep insights into customer satisfaction. Many of our customers had expressed interest in or were already using CX products (>2/3 or Fortune 1000 companies use NPS). Working closely with the customer success team, I developed a dashboard that allowed our customers to easily understand and analyze their NPS data by focusing on exactly what customers were already requesting.

  • Comprehensive set of filters to understand specific customers, industries, or regions
  • Advanced text analysis to identify satisfaction trends and diagnose problems
  • Interactive map to see what matters to customers in different geographies
  • Ability to view individual responses to save at risk accounts and customize outreach
  • Better understand your NPS through industry benchmarks and a global index

This product allowed complex businesses to understand their customer satisfaction in a way they hadn't been able to before. After some changes and updates, this product has been integrated into SurveyMonkey as SurveyMonkey CX.

Create customer loyalty and delight with unexpected, physical gifts

Even in the fast-moving, digital world of enterprise software, some high-quality paper, hand-mixed inks, and an antique printing machine can go a long way. I designed thank you cards for customers who had worked closely with TechValidate for years, then I letterpressed them at the San Francisco Center for the Book. In addition to showing thanks to customers, seeing folks share these was great for the TechValidate team morale as well!

The Results

During my time at TechValidate, the company was able to expand beyond marketing content creation and improve the experience of their customers and their customers' customers.

  • A redesign of their survey process provided customers with more and better customer content while making a normally mundane process fun and engaging
  • The creation of a new customer experience dashboard allowed them to increase customer engagement and satisfaction by creating a product that customers were already interested in

In addition to improving the user experience for existing customers, TechValidate was able to communicate this new value through a refreshed marketing site which I designed and developed. If you are looking to improve your marketing efforts, see how I've improved marketing at businesses similar to yours.

Zavzen would love to help your business like we’ve helped these businesses!

Limited-availability, complementary marketing and product design diagnostic

By looking over the design of your marketing site and application, we can diagnose potential reasons why users choose to stop using your product or don't sign up in the first place. After a 30 minute phone conversation with me, you will:

  • Understand how design can more effectively connect your product and marketing with users and leads
  • Discover how to bridge the gap between someone finding your product and excited, high LTV users by ensuring your marketing, onboarding, and product all work together seamlessly 
  • Have a list of ideas for using design to improve user acquisition or reduce churn.

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